The Legacy Day Experience

You will be put into a group with women looking to grow for a virtual 4-week lead up. Every day you will be required to show up and do the work inside the group, no excuses. You will be required to lead, required to follow. Required to face your demons head on. There is no time to feel things out or ease your way in. The entire experience is designed from beginning to end to make you uncomfortable, to make you accountable to someone other than yourself.

The Legacy Day Live Experience is a total blackout from all outside influences, distractions, and pressures. No phones. No social media. No vices. No crutches. No hiding. Just 3 days of being pushed mentally, spiritually, and emotionally until a new woman rises from the ashes.

You will learn to live the tools and processes that have helped thousands find a sense of purpose, direction, clarity and abundance in their relationships, their bodies, their mind and their bank accounts.

That’s why it saves marriages and families. That’s why it literally saves women’s lives. And why it will create lifelong friendships and sisterhood with the women you go through this experience with.


  • Women ready to live up to their potential

  • Women who are sick of fighting alone in life

  • Women who are lying, hiding, and pretending

  • Women who are ready to show up for their families

  • Women who are ready to confront their bullshit

  • Women who are willing to follow and lead

  • Women who are sick of being comfortable

This experience is physical, mental, emotional

You must be mature enough to handle the growth

You must be 100% committed to the process

It will not be easy.... But it will be worth it



4-Week Virtual Experience begins:

November 11th

4-Day, 3 -Night Live Event is:

December 11th 4pm - 14th 10am

Next Live Event December 11th - 14th

What Graduates Have Had To Say

I think if they are actually ready to go through it and be honest with themselves then it is super beneficial for anyone interested. I wouldn’t want to give too much detail because I would want them to want to go because they know they need this to change and they know that they won’t unless they do it. I knew as soon as I read the description of LDX that I needed to go through the program I didn’t need anyone to tell me how great it was or how it changed them for the better


I would describe it as a life bootcamp to help you get your crap together. An awakening of sorts.


This experience is a way to dig deep and let out truths you are possibly unaware of about yourself and to elevate every aspect of your life to maximize personal growth in a truly intentional way.
Enlightening and empowering. Really challenges you to get real with the person in the mirror and stop making excuses for things that aren’t working for you in your life. Cutting the things that no longer serve who you want to become.

Time and brain intensive. Requires you to stop just going through motions and figure out why.


I would say that it is a deep self work experience with coaches that hold you accountable and expect you to show up so that you can change for the better inside and out.


It's going to be hard but good. Be prepared that it will be a time and mental suck on you for 6 weeks, but it will fly by. What you put into it is what you get out of it. If you are willing, you can make life-changing habitats. It gives you the tools to keep growing and challenging yourself as a person. You will form a bond with the women you do the program with that will be rare and supportive. Lean into that because it's hard to find as an adult. If you have a spouse, the program will get you to talk and work through things you probably would ignore otherwise.


This is an incredible container of women who are being coached in all areas of life and being pushed and challenged to better themselves so they can dream big dreams and see them become a reality. This is a safe space where I have felt secure to go really deep and be met with acceptance but also empowered to get better.

I've explained several times and I don't know that I did it justice, but it was something like this. It's coaching in personal growth. So they walk you through where you are, where you want to go, what's hindering you, where you could be...etc. And have you take steps in moving forward...they challenge you and they aren't just patting you on the back and saying "I understand", but calling you to rise, take ownership, and change so you can have what you want. And they give you tools and frameworks to use to move forward.

Trust the process. Some things may be tedious, some days more intense than others, but what it’s building is eye opening

This process is unlocking potential inside of me that I have been aware of but neglectfully denied due to tunnel vision and laziness. If you want to better yourself but always seem to plan on starting that process “tomorrow”, or you tell yourself things are going to change, and they never seem to. This is the moment you can start a journey and be held accountable to achieve growth.

It is amazing experience, it works on different parts of your life , you may not even know you needed worked on. It’s awesome to take this journey with my colleagues and getting to know them at a deeper level.

Uncomfortable. We have a preconceived notion that to be uncomfortable is a bad thing. Every day there are countless scenarios of being unrealized and Comfort. For instance, if we are stationary in a seated position for a long period of time, our seating position gets a little uncomfortable. This is the body‘s natural way of telling us to move. The body is warning us to move due to lack of blood flow. Now a small action (standing) immediately fixes the discomfort but If we choose to stay seated, that discomfort turns into a festering wound that requires attention immediately. It’s time to get uncomfortable, and take control of life's discomforts before they fester , and require immediate attention.

The most exciting revelation is that despite my challenges, bullshit stories, and excuses, I am able to rise up, overcome, and stick to some routine by placing myself in a situation where I am forced to be held accountable.

It can help organize a system for you to be able to actually live the life you have been striving for. It is the space for you to learn how you can make that happen.

Challenging, difficult, necessary, needed and rewarding

It's an experience that holds you accountable and forces you out of your daily norms. It's an opportunity to live an abundant balanced lifestyle.

  I first thought that these types of self help courses only teach you things you already know. That is so far from the truth. It help you expose to yourself where you are and how you can improve. From a person who was doubtful about the process I can honestly say you should try it as it will change you in a positive way.

  I would tell them that wherever they are at in their life this experience could bring you to a place of bettering yourself that you didn’t realize possible. It is a lot of work and you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable but it will help you become a more well rounded person. Additionally you will meet high performing individuals that are working to better themselves and will ultimately form a brotherhood with people you would have never met before that come from all walks of life.

This is a journey of self discovery and learning a toolkit to properly assess my circumstances while lining up the correct steps to use those tools for a better future in my overall health and well-being

  This is a process that will pull everything out of your gut put it on the table, make you look at it and then place it back in the correct order! Lol
It's been an eye opening experience it's awesome to have another perspective on your life and hold yourself accountable the some of the choices and actions you make.

Frequently Asked Question

Is it really worth attending?

YES!!! A million times over we say this. It's not just cause we're bias, it's because we have seen the transformation in hundreds of people and every time they say it was worth it and more!

What does it cost and what's included?

The cost for everything is $4,997. This covers the 5-week virtual event, all lodging, food, swag, support, speakers, snacks and more at the live event. You are responsible for getting yourself to the venue and back. We're not here to make tons of money on this event, we're here to create transformation and to be able to do that with as many people as possible!

Are there refunds if I can't attend the live event?

Nope! Plain and simple this is a commitment and we will hold you to your commitment. If there is excruciating circumstances we can discuss you attending the next event. Otherwise there is no refund, to much planning and coordinating goes into the event.

What are the time commitments for the virtual part?

Daily assignments drop every morning at 4am. Your goal is to get up and get them done before you leave the door. You and your team dictates how long each day takes. Do this well and most days will be 20-30 minutes, don't do this well and it could be an hour or more.

Is there a version for my husband? What about a couples experience?

Yes!! We have this same version for your husband, boyfriend, brother, father, co-worker!! For couples we suggest you both go through the experience at the same time. While you will be in different groups, the events take place the same time at the same location.

Office: 1110 W Butler Rd Ste C, Greenville, SC 29680

Call 864-313-4097

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